It's HERE!
We flew out to Kansas City, MO to pick up our van at the end of January. We ordered our van through a dealer that's just a few miles from the Transit plant. We had multiple reasons for doing this, one of which revolved around Ed Bowers and the history he and the dealership have of getting a high number of allocations regarding Transit vans. Between Ed, Rusty, Kayla, and Roscoe at Crossley, we couldn't have asked for a better experience. I'd 100% do it again despite having to fly out and drive the van back.
After the quickest vehicle purchase we've ever made (aside from the 13-14 month wait, of course), we got the rundown of every button and feature of the van and headed back east. We could have had the van shipped or driven to us, but that's not typically how we roll.

First impression - this thing is H U G E - but oddly easy to drive. Well, not for the first hour or two - this thing is a cargo van, and built to be loaded up - with no weight, we could really feel the wind and passing tractor-trailers. Once we got the feel of it though, we really enjoyed the drive. Even through Indiana.

We stopped to pick up the car at the airport in Louisville and I followed Melissa (and the van) home and found myself thinking the whole time, "that thing doesn't look like it should be able to stay on the road! It's like a giant bumble bee - no way that thing can fly!" Between that and the fact that I think it looks like the abominable snow monster (who's name is Bumble) in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, we've been calling the van Bumble. Name subject to change as we get better acquainted.
So, meet Bumble - the rest of the story will (mostly) be about her.

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