We don't want to hear it.

Rattles that is. We do want to hear from you. It's rattles, squeaks, and vibrations that'll drive us nuts though. One of the first things most people do to a new metal box of a van is to add "sound deadener". You'll see them referred to as Rattle Trap, KilMat, HushMat, Noico, Siles, Dynamat, etc. These are rubbery, gooey, weighty panels that typically have a foil side and an adhesive side. In between the two can be various products such as butyl rubber, foam, bubble wrap type plastic, etc. They are also (unsurprisingly) one more van build controversy. Ford actually includes some sound deadening material on (some of) the flat sheet metal in the van production. The white rectangles adhered to the metal in the below image are Ford's sound deadening material. This is a side wall, towards the back of the van.. The same material is used in some of the flat roof panels as well. We see sound deadener (SD) as a way to cut down on the vi...